Kōō kenkan su | Bush Warblers Start Singing in The Mountains

Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) Celebration


Sat, May 4, 2024 11:00 am - 4:00 pm


Isamu Noguchi Plaza
244 S. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012



May 5th marks a special occasion in Japan known as Kodomo no Hi (子供の日), or Children’s Day, which is celebrated throughout the country. JACCC embraces this holiday by presenting an exciting celebration that weaves together Japanese and Japanese American traditions into a fun-filled day for children of all ages.

Immerse yourself in Japanese flavors, games, performances, and traditions, and make this an unforgettable experience for you and your family.

Select a Tab Below for More Details

Children's Sushi & Miso Soup Workshop

$10 / child

This workshop will teach children to make inari sushi under the guidance of Table for Two instructors. In addition, they will prepare ingredients for miso soup under the guidance of Ai Fujimoto, owner of Omiso.

Class size is limited. This workshop is appropriate for children aged 5-10.

Parents must accompany all children. Space and supplies are limited to ticketed children only; no guests. 

ActivityLed by
Shop Anime Jungle ProductsAnime Jungle
Bonsai Demonstration & WorkshopBonsai Master
CaricaturesCity Bible Church
Information/Tattoo StationEast San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center
Get to Know the Go For Broke National Education CenterGo For Broke National Education Center
Koinobori ArtJACCC
Information BoothJAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles
Button MakingKizuna
TBAKoyasan Buddhist Temple
Japanese CalligraphyKuni Rhythm
Table TennisLittle Tokyo Table Tennis
PlinkoNishi Girl Scouts, BSA & Cub Scouts
Freddie the Frog GameOrange County Buddhist Church
#EdamameChamp Chopstick ChallengeTable For Two
TBAUnion Church

AMAMIYA - Baby Castella

baby castella





Guzzu Bento-ya & Mo-Mo Paradise


@guzzubentoya; @momoparadiseusa

Honda-ya (You-Syn)



Konbini Bites

Japanese snacks


Kuramoto Shavery

shaved ice & crepes


Sushi Boy



Takoyaki TaNoTa



Ukes for Little Tokyo & Children of Nishi Center

11:00 am - 11:30 am

Shotokan Karate of America

11:30 am - 12:00 pm | @ska_maryknoll @shotokankarateofamerica

Kodomo in the Kitchen

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Kuni Rhythm, in collaboration with

Mimi (海月) Wada

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm | @kuni_rhythm


Kyle Katano with the Children of City Bible Church

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm | @kylekatano

Miko & Michael

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm | @lilshudo @michaelmurata12

Island Inspirations Polynesian Entertainment

2:20 pm - 2:40 pm |

Sonoko Sakai Live Reading, Mai & the Melon

2:40 pm - 3:00 pm | @sonokosakai @balakidsbooks

Dance Space AI Vibration

3:00 pm - 3:40 pm | @ai_vibration

Zenshuji Zendeko Taiko

3:40 pm - 4:00 pm

Tristan Byon

Born on May 11th in Anaheim, California. Tristan is the youngest of three kids. He started acting, hoping to meet Kobe Bryant, his favorite basketball player. During a Lakers game, he wondered why he couldn’t go and meet Kobe when others at the courtside were talking to him. He soon learned that those people were famous on television and in films. This is when he decided he wanted to be on television and in the movies. After his first booking and working on a set, he fell in love with acting and has been having a blast since.

Tristan’s acting career began when he booked a role on the long-running series, “Two and A Half Men.” He followed that with a role on “Grandfathered” opposite John Stamos. In 2017, he had a very successful year working on a variety of TV shows such as, “Teachers”, “Lady Dynamite”, “Criminal Minds”, and “Grey’s Anatomy”. In 2018, he booked the role of Theo on ABC’s drama series “A Million Little Things”, playing the son of Grace Park and David Giuntoli. Before this series began filming, Tristan filmed an independent feature, “The Mortuary Collection.”

Tristan enjoys gaming and hanging out with family and friends during his spare time. His hobbies include sports, especially basketball, where he plays competitively on a club team. He also loves to play the guitar and ukulele, sing, and dance.  

Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) Celebration is held in collaboration with

Supported in part by

In-kind support provided by

We're thrilled to be collaborating with our Little Tokyo friends for our annual Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) Celebration!

This year's celebration will be held on the same day as the Terasaki Budokan's Kibō Nobori Children’s Day Festival and Go Little Tokyo's Delicious Little Tokyo. With various fun family activities, food, performances, workshops, and more throughout the day, you won't want to miss these events.

Kibō Nobori Children’s Day Festival

Saturday, May 4, 2024 • 11 am - 4 pm

Terasaki Budokan (249 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90012)

Join us for the third annual Kibō Nobori Children’s Day Festival as we proudly celebrate the Japanese holiday Kodomo No Hi in Little Tokyo. "Kodomo No Hi" means "Children's Day" in Japan and is a day to celebrate and wish for health and good fortune for all children. In partnership with Faith-Ann Kiwa Young, co-mrkt, and Terasaki Budokan, it will be a fun-filled day with activities for the whole family! | @kibonobori

Click on these links to donate to Kizuna or Little Tokyo Service Center's Terasaki Budokan.

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