Kiji hajimete naku | Pheasants Start to Call
72 Seasons: June

72 Seasons: June

Jun 1, 2024



In Japan, there are 72 subdivision seasons called the shichijuni kou. The seasons are named after the birds, insects, plants, and weather of each change in nature every five days.

小満 Shōman (Lesser Ripening)

  • May 31–June 5: 麦秋至 Mugi no toki itaru (Wheat Ripens)

芒種 Bōshu (Grain Beards & Seeds)

  • June 6–10: 蟷螂生 Kamakiri shōzu (Praying Mantises Hatch)
  • June 11–15: 腐草為螢 Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru (Rotten Grass Becomes Fireflies)
  • June 16–20: 梅子黄 Ume no mi kibamu (Plums Turn Yellow)

夏至 Geshi (Summer Solstice)

  • June 21–26: 乃東枯 Natsukarekusa karuru (Self-heal Withers)
  • June 27–July 1: 菖蒲華 Ayame hana saku (Irises Bloom)


Midway through the summer, the wheat fields become visible from a distance, their golden stalks standing out against the lush green rice paddies filled with water. This early summer period, when the wheat is ready for harvest, is known as "Mugi-Autumn." After the wheat is harvested, farmers shift to rice planting, marking a busy time in the agricultural cycle. The rainy season is also approaching.

At the same time, hundreds of tiny praying mantises begin to emerge, one by one, from the spongy eggs laid the previous fall. Interestingly, the young rice stalks in the flooded paddies resemble the praying mantis in shape, creating a subtle connection between the two. One of the most magical sights of summer is watching fireflies drift through the rice paddies at night—what a beautiful and enchanting spectacle!

The plum fruit, introduced to Japan from China during the Nara period (710-794), was once considered a powerful remedy for various ailments. During the rainy season, when the body’s immune system tends to weaken, plums, rich in citric acid, are valued for their ability to relieve fatigue and stimulate the appetite.

The summer solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. From this point onward, the heat will only intensify. With the arrival of the rainy season, known as Tsuyu or "plum rain", the rain coincides with the ripening of plums.

During this time, selfheal flowers, which bloom with delicate purple petals, appear. Though they may seem to wilt in the heat of summer, this is when they enter their fruiting phase. Selfheal has long been used as an important medicinal herb.

Another striking flower that blooms during the rainy season is the iris, whose beauty is both overwhelming and transformative. The iris is known to have a calming effect on cloudy or rainy days. While purple is the most common color, irises also come in a variety of shades, including white, yellow, blue, and pink.


麦秋至 Mugi no toki itaru (Wheat Ripens)

蟷螂生 Kamakiri shōzu (Praying Mantises Hatch)

腐草為螢 Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru (Rotten Grass Becomes Fireflies)

 梅子黄 Ume no mi kibamu (Plums Turn Yellow)

乃東枯 Natsukarekusa karuru (Self-heal Withers)

菖蒲華 Ayame hana saku (Irises Bloom)

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