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The 72 Seasons - June


The 72 Seasons - June

Jun 1, 2022

In Japan, there are 72 subdivisions seasons called the shichijuni kou. The 72 seasons are named after the birds, insects, plants, and weather of each changes in nature every five days.

June 6-10 蟷螂生 Kamakiri shōzu Praying mantises hatch
June 11-15 腐草為螢 Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru Rotten grass becomes fireflies
June 16-20 梅子黄 Ume no mi kibamu Plums turn to yellow
June 21-26 乃東枯 Natsukarekusa karuru Self-heal withers
June 27- July 1 菖蒲華 Ayame hana saku Irises Bloom

Midway through the summer, the rice is planted in the wet paddy fields of Japan, their little stalks looking almost like the praying mantis. Fireflies start to dart around in the early evening.  Rainy season will soon arrive. The rainy season is called tsuyu meaning plum rain, the rain that falls when the plums are ripe for the picking.

The summer solstice is the day with the longest day and shortest night of the year, from now on, the heat will increase day by day. Selfheal wither has purple flowers, it wilts in summer and enters the fruiting period. It has been used as an important medicine.

Iris is a vivid purple flower that blooms in early summer. Their overwhelmingly beauty changes to greater life and have a healing effect on cloudy or rainy days.

芒種 Bōshu (Grain beards and seeds)

蟷螂生 Kamakiri shōzu Praying mantises hatch


腐草為螢 Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru Rotten grass becomes fireflies


梅子黄 Ume no mi kibamu Plums turn yellow


夏至 Geshi (Summer solstice)

乃東枯 Natsukarekusa karuru Self-heal withers


菖蒲華 Ayame hana saku Irises bloom

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