Press Release

Beppu Project - Jonathan Takahashi


Jul 7, 2018

Following a month-long artist exchange residency with Beppu Project, artist Jonathan Takahashi will begin to unpack through conversation the projects proposed and completed in reflection of

his experience abroad in Beppu, Japan. As a fourth generation Yonsei from Los Angeles California, the value of art building community is a Little Tokyo ethos which is paralleled by the rich history of art and community in Beppu. What understandings are shared between both communities? What is the value of artists in residence? How can art be utilized as a resource for community?

別府で一ヶ月間滞在制作を行ったアーティスト、ジョナサン・タカハシによるトークイベントを開催いたします。ロサンゼルスのLITTLE TOKYO SERVICE CENTER(リトル  トーキョー)では日系含むアジア系アメリカ人を対象に生活におけるサポートのほか、



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