Kōō kenkan su | Bush Warblers Start Singing in The Mountains


DŌ (The Way)

A free program offering young adults aged 18-24 a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the timeless arts of calligraphy, ikebana, tea ceremony, and origami, right in the heart of Little Tokyo.
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Issei Poetry Project

Seeking to recover, preserve, and share the Japanese-language literature of Los Angeles’ Issei (first-generation) writers, highlighting their significant creative contributions through translation, interpretation, and publication.
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Shodo for Little Tokyo

A free, bilingual English-Japanese calligraphy program designed for local older adults, led by calligraphy artist Kuniharu Yoshida. Through this program, participants explore the timeless art of shodo (Japanese calligraphy) while fostering cross-cultural connections and creativity.
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Ukuleles for Little Tokyo

A free, bilingual English-Japanese music program specifically designed for local older adults, led by ukulele instructors Chester Ikei, Bob Takata, and Ken Nakaba. This program celebrates the ukulele’s rich cultural legacy and its ability to foster joy, connection, and creativity across generations.
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