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Kitahiroshima presents
Divine Tales from Japan


Sun, Nov 19, 2023 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Aratani Theatre
244 South San Pedro St. Los Angeles, CA 90012



Prepare to experience the magic of Hiroshima Kagura, a dynamic traditional performing art that combines dramatic storytelling, live music, dazzling costumes, high-energy dancing, and more!

Join us for two of the most famous Hiroshima Kagura plays: Yamata-no-Orochi and Momiji-gari. In Yamata-no-Orochi, watch a powerful god take on a fearsome eight-headed snake demon bent on devouring a beautiful maiden, and in Momiji-gari, you’ll be transported back in time to a lavish maple leaf-viewing party whose charming hostesses are more than meets the eye. Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to see Hiroshima’s finest traditional performing art live and in person!

If you were unable to secure tickets and would like to see part of the KAGURA performance, a free 15-minute pre-show performance, Yobidaiko, will be performed on JACCC's Isamu Noguchi Plaza at 1 pm on the 19th; no reservation is required for this pre-show performance. 

Things To Know

About Kagura

About Kagura Music

About the Plays


KAGURA Divine Tales from Japan is presented by

Town of Kitahiroshima

Sponsored by

Nanka Hiroshima Kenjinkai of Southern California Inc.

Patronized by

Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles
Hiroshima Prefecture
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