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Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain


Sun, Mar 10, 2024  - Sun, Mar 31, 2024




Online* Course Schedule

Sunday, 1-4 pm PT (4-7 pm ET)
March 10 — March 31, 2024
4 weeks



Photo Credit: Lightning Bolt: Sonic Citadel (album art)

Instructor: Samantha Hill

Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain tells the story of Hans Castorp, an ordinary young man who goes to visit his cousin Joachim in a Swiss tuberculosis sanatorium for three weeks and ends up staying for seven years. Set on the precipice of World War One, the novel captures the spirit of prewar Europe and the ailments of the modern world: isolation, mass epidemics, the plight of progress, and industrial alienation. Mann’s ever-timely novel offers meditations on love, loss, time, what it means to become a person in the world, and what it means to face death. In this online course, we will read the entirety of The Magic Mountain alongside short selections from medical journals, critical reviews, Mann’s correspondence, and lectures, while asking: What does it mean to be healthy? What is time? How does modernity change our conception of time? How might we think about enchantment in the modern world?

“Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain” is being held in partnership with the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research. For more information about the Brooklyn Institute, please visit its website

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